Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Secrete

That secret is a theory which talks about the" LAW OF ATTRACTION" .

My experience:

I have experienced it ...

for playing computer games i wake up early in the morning but not for the study.

We all possess infinite power.What is going on in our mind which are attracting us.
Unfortunately,we always think of "WHAT WE DONT WANT". The point is we should always think about what we want in our life so that by thinking about them we attract those towards us and that will come in our life quickly.
We are like magnets - like attract like. You become a magnet and attract what you think.Every thought has a frequency. Thoughts send out a magnetic energy. 
For example, those who speak most of illness have illness, those who speak most of prosperity have it..etc..
If these thoughts are attached to powerful emotions (good or bad) that speeds the creation. Luckily bad thoughts have very less power otherwise we all would die when we thought of it in depression.

Interview Skills

 Tell me something about yourself
Your  Strengths 
Your  Weakness (minimum 2)
How do u see yourself 2 years in future
Salary expectation
Why should we hire u & not your friend
Signing bond

Map between Achievements & Qualities

give a story of each

Monday, February 23, 2009

How to make effective GD

 How to get Points in GD
Simply ask questins & get answers for WHAT,WHY,WHERE,HOW,WHEN

make a note of each pont as script

Topic is unknown in such case:

Try to collect information from others points and then make new point.Present it with new example and try to add some your own point.

We can summarise the group discussion

GD Remarks

2)Analysis-Facts & Examples
5)Body Language
6)Leadership-Initiating,encouraging to other who are not speaking.

Communication Require

1) Stop looking good.
2) Express your feeling
3) Express your point with example
Give a point, then put some example to support that point. Then give another point.
4) Summarize what you want to say.

Feeling can be of type:
a) Glad: Happy, Hope, Joy, Wow, Thrill, Optimistic.
b) Mad: Anger, Frustration, Irritation.
c) Bad: Hatred, Ill will, Fear.
d) Sad: Depression, Alone, Lost.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Iceberg of Conflict

Sir given the example of iceberg to explain about what lie inside you?

I found the following text from

The Iceberg of Conflict

To avoid linking i am copying the text

One way of picturing the hidden layers and complexities of conflict is through the metaphor of the iceberg, as depicted in the following chart. You may want to identify additional layers besides the ones we cite, to reveal what is below the surface for you.

Each level of the iceberg represents something that does not apppear on the surface, yet adds weight and immobility to our arguments when we are in conflict.

Sir shown the following images of iceberg

Body shows only 10% of you and 90% is within you. You may be aware of it or not. You Need to find where you good at. If you are smart then good if not then it doesnt matter Because nobody looks for good . People search for quality.

Know your strength

I attended the first Nitin Sir( Tejgyan) session on Techzeal 2008. I am impressed with this session. The most intresting I found on that day I am writting here. The first foremost i like "What Impact the game?"....

ANS: Be a teamplayer....

Nothing can change the untill you are a team player in the game.

It give me the lession that to change in anything i must be involved in it and enjoy the process.

Next I like the 4 quadrant system to know where you are and what are your strengths?

I am in analytical quadrant. A good personality must stand in the center who can change himself to any quadrant as required